Virtual Clinical Excursions Online and Print Workbook for Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 7e by Margaret Jordan Halter PhD PMHCNS
Virtual Clinical Excursions Online and Print Workbook for Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 7e by Margaret Jordan Halter PhD PMHCNS PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
One of the most complete nursing education learning systems available, Virtual Clinical Excursions is an online program that guides you through a virtual hospital where the patients are real and their conditions are constantly changing. By immersing students in a realistic, yet safe, nursing environment, VCE simulates the average clinical rotation by allowing users to conduct a complete assessment of a patient and set priorities for care, collect information, analyze and interpret data, prepare and administer medications, and reach conclusions about complex problems. Each lesson has a textbook reading assignment and activities based on "visiting" the patients in the hospital - providing a perfect environment to "practice" what you are learning.
- Online workbook includes a set of lessons to prepare and guide you through a variety of patient scenarios, which are all connected to your textbook.
- Physical examination interactions include unique images and assessment findings for each patient scenario.
- Patient chart provides quick access to vital information such as physician’s orders, laboratory reports, patient education, nursing admission, and more, offering a richly detailed portrait of the patient.
- Electronic patient record houses data from the patient’s entire hospital stay and offers the ability to record new data findings.
- Nurse-client interaction videos depict conversations and situations involving nurses, patients, family members, and hospital staff to help you discern between communications that are ideal and those that need improvement.
- Updated drug reference includes a comprehensive set of the latest drug monographs to help you make the best clinical judgments involving medication administration.
- NEW! Online format enables you to access Virtual Clinical Excursions from any PC or MAC with an internet connection.
- NEW! Laboratory guide provides standard value ranges for all laboratory values offered within the virtual patient hospital, so you can confirm and compare standard lab values against your patients’ test results.
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